Get Your Prospects From ‘Maybe’ to ‘Hell Yes’, minus the Guesswork!​

With research-backed, audience-informed conversion copy for SaaS companies and wellness businesses looking for a better ROI on their marketing and advertising spend.

conversion copywriter and marketeer ambika bhan

First things first …

If you’ve got a killer product/service, with sales leading to a healthy cash flow (funded or bootstrapped, it doesn’t matter) and you’re hungry for explosive growth, sky-high ROAS, and plush profits, I get you. 

We can orchestrate success together. 

But, if you see copywriting as some voodoo magic that can turn a lead balloon 🎈 into a sales rocket, well let’s just say we won’t make a good team.

Alright! Now that we’ve cleared the air, let me show you what happens next.

A terrific writer who cares about the work she crafts and what the output will be. Never afraid to challenge and ask questions to ensure a greater result is achieved for all concerned parties.

ASHLEY KALB, Digital Head, Anxious To Matter

Attract, Retain and Delight Your Ideal Customers With Copy That Sells for You Even When You Are Asleep

You, the ambitious, hard-working, overachiever, A type founder. You probably had breakfast today, eyeing your MacBook, scanning a seemingly endless to-do list, and figuring out the fire you need to put out.

Growth needs a nudge. Conversions are lagging. But where do you even begin with the copy?

The thing is … copy that drives action comes from a deep understanding of your customers’ worldview and how they present it in their actions, thoughts, words and habits.

And, of course, writing that’s as sharp as a ninja in a tuxedo.

But some founders don’t see the value in research until they’ve burned their cash in paid ads. 

Then they wrangle with Chatgpt or take copywriting courses instead of doing what they do best. 

And that’s just half the problem. 

You Can’t Talk or Write About Your Business Without Revealing Your Obvious Biases

There are too many communication touchpoints and opportunities for optimization. But you have too little time and context.

What you need is an organized thinker who can pay attention to detail and dig deep into your customers’ voices to identify the core emotions that drive them to act. 

And then weave it all into…

Copy That’s Primed for Persuasion and Action; That Turns Browsers Into Buyers and Buyers Into Raving Fans

Ambika is a HIGHLY competent copywriter.

Everything she does is focused around getting her clients the best results possible, ahead of everything else. She works across the entire funnel, so if you require email, landing pages, ads, sales letters, or anything else, she’s more than capable of handling it—not just with the copy but also with the strategy.

You’re in capable hands with her.

– TAL SAM – CEO, Make Bank Agency

Hi, I am AmbikaBackground image.

A Conversion Copywriter for Wellness and SaaS niche. Brush line underline image

I’m Ambika, a copywriter with a unique edge: real business chops. 

I’ve been in your shoes.  For three years (including those wild COVID times!), I ran an on-site audio production school.

I know what it means to lose sleep over high customer acquisition costs and attrition. I wore all the hats—sales, design, even web dev-but what truly lit me up was connecting with prospects, understanding their needs, and what drives them. 

I see copywriting as the written version of that engaging conversation – the one that drives results. I do what I do because I am passionate about the psychology of decision-making and the written word. 

If you are ambitious and care deeply about what you have created and who you’ve created it for, you’ll feel invincible with copy that paves the way for confident sales.

If you have 

  • a vetted offer/solution that works
  • a list of hungry crowds and 
  • a system to create content and advertise at scale,

then my copy is all you need to maximise your return on every dollar spent.

Book in a VIP Day to Bypass My Full Calendar

If you happen to have an urgent copy requirement, please feel free to reserve my full work day (8 hours) as a VIP client. For more details, contact below.