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About me
My Portfolio
My Process
Website Copycure
ATF (Across The Funnel) Copy Codex
Evergreen Email Machine
The Conversion Magnet Sales Page
About me
My Portfolio
My Process
Website Copycure
ATF (Across The Funnel) Copy Codex
Evergreen Email Machine
The Conversion Magnet Sales Page
Let's Talk
For VIP Day Button Link (On All Service Pages)
First Name
Last Name
If you have a website, include the link here.
Tell me about your project (in detail): What are its key features and target audience? What’s the price point and other logistics, mode of delivery etc. Share links to any existing marketing materials or competitor examples that inspire you. (pages, prior work, inspiration pieces, Google Docs, etc)
Have you launched this product/service before? If yes, how did that go?
What copywriting tasks would you like me to handle during the VIP Day? (Select all that apply):
Website copy
Long Form Sales Page
Landing Page
Email Marketing copy
Blog posts
Other (please specify) (required)
Timeline & Budget
What's your ideal deadline for the copy?
Do you have a specific budget in mind (Yes/No)?
If yes, please share a rough budget range. (Optional)
Why are you interested in working with me? How can it help your business? (required)
Submit Form