About MeBrush line underline image

I'm Ambika, a conversion copywriter with a unique edge: real business chops.

conversion copywriter and marketeer ambika bhan

I’ve been in your shoes. For three years (including those wild COVID times!), I ran an on-site audio production school. I wore all the hats—sales, design, even web dev—but what truly lit me up was connecting with prospects, understanding their needs, and what drives them.

I see copywriting as the written version of that engaging conversation – the one that drives results.

Now, with 4+ years of experience, I’ve helped businesses across industries (coaching, wellness, SaaS) achieve some cool results.  

My secret weapon? 

Deep customer research, brand voice fit, and copy that speaks directly to your ideal client.

Everything I do is meant to help you converse with your prospects in a way that meets them where they are. I save you precious hours and give your biz the conversion boost it needs. Here are some pieces from my portfolio :