ATF (Across The Funnel) COPY CODEX

Load up Your Funnel With Sales on Snooze minus the Stress and Sleaze

Get a Better ROI on Your Ad Spend With My Complete Arsenal of Funnel and LaunchCopy That Makes Your Prospects Act Without Putting Them Down.

Are You Trying to Hack Through Conversions By Running More Ads?

You aren’t alone. Most business owners spend countless hours tweaking their funnels, jacking up prices, and running more ads.

They burn their pockets without getting these foundations straight :

  • Focussed messaging targeted towards a hungry crowd
  • A knockout offer that eliminates all barriers between your prospects’ and their dream outcome
  • Trust that your prospects must have in you to believe that you can actually help them

Here’s the truth…

Great launch copy cannot sell a bad offer or product. But if you have an offer/product/service that eliminates your prospect’s pain or brings them closer to their desire, then…

You Need Your Funnel Copy to Speak Directly to Your Ideal Prospect & Meet Them Where They Are

This is the secret to being relevant and boosting your revenue.

And you don’t have to jump hoops to do this. Imagine just shooting me an email and going for a chill nap because:

✅ You don’t need to sweat over headlines and subject lines that bring the clicks in

✅ You don’t have to face the wrath of a blinking cursor in the wee hours of night

✅ You don’t have to doubt your existence writing a sales page that sounds unsure or, at worst, vain.

Luckily you found me…

across the funnel launch copy

The ATF Launch Copy Codex is perfect for you:

☕You want to get back your time and focus without losing out on revenue

☕You want to make your prospects feel good choosing you

☕You want to automate your customer acquisition process without losing sleep.

Here’s How ATF Launch Copy Codex Can Help You Rake in Conversions Without Selling Your Soul

A winning combination of research, persuasion, data, and writing prowess

Get 3 free coaching lab sessions (4)

Message Finding

to discover your reason for existence, your audience’s core drivers, and their deepest desires and emotional states.


VOC Research

Through interviews, data mining, and voice-of-customer research, I peel back the layers to pinpoint the exact tone and language your prospects use to describe their pain and objections.

Website Copy

Copy Assets

Then, I craft each copy asset with an unwavering conviction in your offer and messaging so you can stand out in a sea of sameness.

Get 3 free coaching lab sessions (9)

A/B Testing

I care about your audience and your conversions. As you A/B test your copy, I’ll help you eliminate nonperforming copy and double down on what’s working.

Ambika has been instrumental in helping me evolve my attitude towards marketing and audience growth.

She built my funnel, created high-converting sales pages, consolidated my various email lists, and massively improved email marketing with targeted focused messaging. 

Ambika adjusted her strategy when needed, challenged me when necessary, and quickly “got” me and my business. She has brought both system and strategy into my marketing and sales, along with compelling copy that brings the best of what I offer.

I appreciate her genuine curiosity and commitment to our mission.

– YANNICK JACOB – Existential Coach and Founder At Rocket Supervision ; Teaching Faculty @ Cambridge University

Pop the Champagne, Not Your Stress Ball!

Let Me Take Care of Your Launch Copy So You Can Focus on What Matters Most – The Client Experience

Everything You Get Inside ATF Launch Copy Codex

✅ 90-minute deep dive message finding & strategy call

to uncover your ideal customer’s hidden desires and pain points. Together, we’ll craft a message that resonates deeply and compels them to take action.

✅ Interview recordings and transcripts of 5 of your actual customers

with highlighted pains, desires and jobs to be done.

✅ 3 laser-targeted facebook ad sets

(with multiple headlines for A/B testing) to attract high-quality leads.

✅ A high-converting landing page/opt-in page/squeeze page

that captures leads for your lead magnets, gated content, and free trials.

✅ A thank you page to

show your new leads some love, deliver value and guide them towards the next action.

✅ The ultimate conversion magnet: a long-form sales page

meticulously crafted to position your most complex, high-ticket offer and drive explosive sales. A matching thank you page that seals the deal and maximises post-purchase satisfaction.


1 Confirmation Email (Opt-In): Welcome new subscribers and deliver your irresistible lead magnet.

3-Part Webinar Invite Sequence: Create curiosity and build excitement for your upcoming webinar.

4-Part Webinar Show-Up Sequence: Maximise attendance with clear reminders and logistical details.

9-Part Post-Webinar Sales Sequence: This personalised email series nurtures leads based on your webinar content, ultimately driving them towards your offer.


Choose from a live call with designers to discuss your wireframes or a pre-recorded Loom walkthrough for ultimate flexibility.


Don’t just launch and pray. I’ll analyse the results and refine your landing pages or sales page with 2 FREE copy revisions to maximise conversions.

Timeframe and Expectations ​

Please Note:

  • Limited Availability: I only take on a limited number of “ATF Launch Copy Codex” projects each month. 1 to be precise. This is to ensure I can deliver the highest level of service. So book your free 30 minute Quick Connect call to see if we are a good fit.

  • Proactive Partnership: The success of this program hinges on your involvement. To ensure a smooth and efficient process, expect a delivery timeframe of 6-8 weeks minimum. The more proactive you are in providing research materials, facilitating interviews, and supplying necessary information, the faster we can achieve optimal results.

Your investment for this Across the Funnel Copy Codex - $5999 only

Reserve Your Spot Today! (Only 1 Spot Available In A Month )

To secure your spot and ensure I can dedicate my full attention to your project, a 50% deposit ($2999) is required upfront. This allows me to confidently decline other requests and focus all my energy on crafting your conversion machine.

The remaining balance will be due before I deliver the final, polished draft. You’ll have the opportunity to review the first draft and provide feedback before it goes to a professional editor.

To deliver the absolute best results, I collaborate with a skilled editor to deliver a polished, error-free final product.

Book in a VIP Day to Bypass My Full Calendar

If your launch is just round the corner and you need this fast, please feel free to reach out to reserve my full work day (8 hours) as a VIP client. For more details, contact below.

Ambika is a HIGHLY competent copywriter.

Everything she does is focused around getting her clients the best results possible, ahead of everything else. She works across the entire funnel, so if you require email, landing pages, ads, sales letters, or anything else, she’s more than capable of handling it—not just with the copy but also with the strategy.

You’re in capable hands with her.

– TAL SAM – CEO, Make Bank Agency